You can create deeper, more meaningful connections with yourself and others and live your fullest life with more compassion and happiness every day. 

Turn Off Autopilot and Take the Wheel 

To live the life you've always wanted, it's time to...

Do you struggle to get control of your thoughts, anger towards others, or frustration that you just can't seem to get your act together?

Are you working to please others more than knowing what you truly want?

Do you sometimes feel like you're just "going through the motions"
or even feel "stuck" in your life?

(seeking satisfaction from external recognition)

Externally focus on pleasing others

(everyone has their go-to coping vice)

Indulge in destructive habits

(your phone becomes your highest priority)

Distract yourself

(accept a work project that will require late hours)

Take on more

(prioritize results over effective action) 

Work harder

You're successful in many ways, but you inwardly struggle to maintain what you've achieved because things in your life still feel "off."

To keep that feeling at bay, you either:

So, you continue the cycle of living on autopilot, experiencing a state of unrest, then avoidance and burning out trying to control things that are out of your control. 

Choose to interrupt the cycle, and discover how to make your thoughts more workable, so that you can achieve the fulfillment and happiness you deserve!

We spend so much time focusing on what we cannot control (events, other people, the weather...) that we have lost our ability to harness and optimize what we can control -- how we relate to our minds.

The solution to leaving behind the autopilot-to-burnout lifestyle is to live more mindfully and understand how your thoughts affect everything, from your mood to your life choices. 


We tend to blame our current circumstances, seek external validation, and wait for the perfect conditions to take action. Unfortunately, in our fast-paced, tech-driven culture, we've lost touch with our ability to communicate with ourselves. This is why mindfulness is the answer to "sleepwalking" through our lives or exhausting ourselves chasing the feelings that only this practice can bring. 

Taking steps to live more mindfully will help you develop deeper connections within yourself, and with others you value most. Changing your perspective is a manual operation, you have to want to do it – and when you decide you want to, I’ll provide the tools. 

I can’t wait to help you live more mindfully, 

I'm Todd Brossart, and I've spent my career helping people live more enriched lives by discovering how to make their thoughts work for them rather than be a constant force of distress. 

Mindfulness is defined: a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.

More than meditation...

The immersive experience of recording your thoughts in a journal, the process of accepting your thoughts and feelings, and then using your thoughts as a catalyst for growth and change is why this method is so powerful. 

The Daily Mindfulness Journal, used in tandem with my course and one-on-one coaching, provides the full spectrum of support and guidance you need to make significant changes in your life. Together, we'll redirect your path so you can move toward the life you want. 

The Daily Mindfulness Journal is the premier tool and guidebook that will help you transform your life from autopilot to being in control of your own journey. 

The journal has helped me get some distance between me and my thoughts so that I can figure out what really matters. After a few weeks I feel more aware of what's important and what’s not.


I’ve never been someone who's journaled. And I’ve typically felt overwhelmed by looking at a blank page. What’s been most helpful to me is the daily journal prompts. They’re easy to follow and helps me focus on practicing mindfulness.


I didn’t really know how to practice mindfulness before finishing the journal. Now I’m getting it. The writing exercises have helped me figure out a new way to relate to my mind, especially in difficult situations.


The journal has been a helpful tool in between my therapy sessions. It’s actually made the work I do in therapy that much more rewarding, because I have something to report and dig into. I feel like I’ve made gains in my self-awareness work that I don’t know I could have done without using the journal.


Slowing down my thoughts was not something I believed I could do. But I just wasn’t looking at it the right way. The journal has helped me learn that I don’t need to slow anything down, that it’s my responses to my thoughts that’s ultimately what I control.


The Journal is your first step toward doing this vital work and breaking the cycle that's holding you back. 

Take that first step toward accelerating your way to a more fulfilling and happy life!

Inspirational quotes to affirm and motivate your work

A guide for future decision-making using your values as a compass

Discovery in how judgments, assumptions, and criticisms influence you

Tools to detect how avoidance manifests in your life

Additional prompts to guide your Emotional Awareness development

28 reading and writing exercises to connect you to your new daily mindfulness practice

14 weeks of daily and weekly prompts to guide your mindfulness journey

The Daily Mindfulness Journal includes:

I'm ready for the journal!

Take back the steering wheel!

Don't wait for an external wake-up call! 

The time to start living the life you want...even if you're not sure what that looks like yet, is before it's over. Stop waiting for a "sign" or the timing to be right to make a positive change in your life. It’s your turn to…

Many people postpone doing this type of work until they experience a life-threatening event or, worse, hit rock bottom.